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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1997-01-01  |  12MB  |  6000x4000
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OCR: QRZ! Ham Radio CALLSIGN DATA BASE IFPI LI21. Vol. 9 Windows: D:\setup.exe MSDOS: April 1997 Type VIEW to start UNIX: See Readme.txt Macintosh: Double-click on the file icon IFPI LIZI Walnut Creek 7-COMPACT disc CDROM QZR2 HAM DATA STORAGE Suite 260, 1547 Palos Verdes Mall ISO 9660 Format Walnut Creek CA 94596 USA Sales +1 510 674-0783 Technical support +1 510 603-1234 info@cdrom.com Shareware requires payment to author if found useful Copyright @ 1997 Walnut Creek CDROM Made in the USA